
Sunday, February 22, 2009

He Also Promises to Cut Back to 5 Packs a Day

President Obama is now making noises that the deficit is too big. At the end of his first term, he promises to cut the budget deficit in half to $533B. Which is still more than the worst year under President Bush and is more than 2006 and 2007 combined.

For this he is being given kudos.

Words fail me.

Cutting back from 2 packs* to 5 packs won't be easy, but The One is determined to do it. It's for the children, don't you know.

*- or however much he smokes now.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    It's interesting how few photos there are of Obama smoking. Just more proof that the MSM loves him. The images that get out are cherry-picked to make him look good.

    In contrast, there are innumerable goofy bumpkin pictures of Dubya floating around.

  2. "... more than 2006 and 2007 combined."

    It's the sort of (negative) change I believe he is capable of, unfortunately. His sycophants assume change is necessarily for the better because, you know, W was so inept. Not to worry, though; they'll think of a way to blame Bush for everything that goes wrong. And worst of all, he'll get re-elected anyway. The liberals have a death wish for our country.
