
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Across the Theocracy Today

... you can find some great posts. Here are a few.

Our Official Artist has the latest news from Apple. Or maybe not.

Our Grand Inquisitor has a post that is revealing in two ways.

Our Friar of Fatherhood has a great video on ... ice fishing!

The Liberator Today (not yet inducted into the Theocracy) delves into the Somali pirates.

Our Monks of Miscellaneous Musings post about California's effort to save money by giving kids more free time. No, really!


  1. I'll buy anything from apple as long as its shinny...I just couldn't stop laughing.

  2. Thanks for the link. I may do a follow-up because California public education has to be, for better or worse, the biggest pinata on the planet.

    Does anyone even sneeze up in Sacramemto without "education" being mentioned?

  3. KT,
    Thanks for the link. How do I get included in the Theocracy? Do I have to wear a funny hat and robes?

  4. B-Daddy, I need some time to think. Right now, I'm treading water posting what I can. I've got to do your induction with the proper fanfare. Tim Eisele of The Backyard Arthropod Project deserves induction, too.
