
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Top 10 Christmas Songs - Number Three

Bing at #5, Dean at #4, let's come back with some more Bing Crosby.

"Wait a minute," I can hear you say. "That was #3? What on Earth could be better than that?"

You'll just have to wait and see.


  1. Great song, but the scenes are so contrived.

    "I don't care if you pay off an egg, just give me a chance!"

    That piano plays a really good violin section. Especially, with his hands barely moving.

  2. Sheesh, everyone's a critic!


    I love Bing's whistling and I think her voice is a perfect counterpoint to his. I wish they'd used this version for the single. I also like it when he rings the bells with his pipe.

  3. OK. Now that I'm playing with house money, I'm going all in on Nat King Cole making an appearance in the Top 2.

  4. Good luck with that one!


    Nice call with the Bing Crosby bet, by the way.
