
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Not Enough YouTube Christmas Content

... to do KT's Top 10 Favorite Christmas Songs. I was thinking of doing daily posts of my favorite Christmas songs using YouTube videos to provide them, but the ones I found just weren't that good. The music was fine, but the videos were poor. For example, my favorite Dean Martin Christmas songs were there, but the videos were just a single still of one of his promotional shots.

Oh well.

Update: We're doing them after all! Check out the list on our left hand sidebar and see what we've picked.


  1. Mho, Go with it. I'm not sure what it is that I would want to "see" of Dean Martin that would trump any of his excellent music.

    One whose mother forbade anyone else from addressing as "Deano".

  2. My favorite has to be Bing and Bowie with their duet of Little Drummer Boy mixed with Peace on Earth. I bought the video on iTunes.

    Second would be Greg Lake's I believe in Father Christmas

  3. Don't forget Jingle Bells by sheep, or microwaves.....don't limit yourselves.....ho ho ho

    * sekrit password verification is "grail" that one!
