
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Mac Users' Involuntary Reflex Response

Have you ever noticed that whenever you mention the words "Mac," "Apple" or "iPhone" around an Apple fanatic that there is an immediate stream of gloating, bragging and praising of all things Apple for at least ten minutes? It's like a dog hearing a siren. They just can't help themselves.

A Mac user reacts to the mention of the word "iPhone."


  1. Most brands/companies would kill for this fanaticism! ;)

    Did I tell you about my iPhone? You hear about the upcoming Apple Special Event on September 9?

  2. Now, now. No trash talking about Apple on my watch! On the recommendation of my brother the techno-geek, I recently traded in an elderly Mac for a brand new Windows compatible laptop in preparation for a new job, and boy do I miss the Mac! Windows Vista is the biggest pile of !@#$%^&*() ever foisted on the computer buying public. I figure Bill Gates will be looking at several centuries in Purgatory, if not an eternal sentence (ahem) Somewhere Else for this piece of doody.

  3. When we were in Fort Worth (in a semi-rural neighborhood), Bruiser saw a horse for the first time while we were out walking. He started baying like he was on the hunt. It was the funniest thing...
