
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our Maximum Leader Goes to the Vet

Our Maximum Leader had her regular annual check up recently. At the check up, they tried to take her temperature with a rectal thermometer. After about three seconds, the doctor removed the thermometer and checked her life insurance policy. It looked something like this.

more animals

Our Maximum Leader came out of the check up with a clean bill of health. The vet was recently released from the ICU.


  1. Fangio was known as Fang at the vet. Often
    he got put in "the box" for shots and stuff. We had a vet that was afraid of him. They'd wrap him in a towel.

    He'd pretend to bite me, I'd just rap him on the nose. It was a big tough guy show.

    Socks, on the other hand purrs.

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    My demon, er, George, is so passive at the Vet's it's crazy. They think she's the sweetest kitten. Then, we get home, she bites me for trying to pet her.

