
Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Nurse is Laying Down on the Job

This weekend I've been going through the worst flu I can remember. I've never had one that's migrated from one part of my body to another from one day to the next.


In any case, our Maximum Leader has been on hand at all times, lending, err, moral support. At least that's what I think she's lending. Whatever it is she's giving me, it doesn't seem to take much effort.

This reminds me of a joke sequence I read in a Mad magazine decades ago in their satire of The Shootist. It went something like this.

John Wayne (the gunfighter dying of cancer): Tell me, doc, what can I expect?

Jimmy Stewart (his doctor): Well, you'll feel sharp pains across your chest, shortness of breath, pounding headaches, a loss of apetite, terrible cramps in your abdomen and violent tremors across your entire body, but that doesn't concern me.

John Wayne: That doesn't concern you? What would?

Jimmy Stewart: If it was happening to me!

1 comment:

  1. That looks kinda like a nip ceegar your Leader is laying on. If so, she's as busy as she's gonna get.

    Hoping you feel better soon.

