
Friday, July 25, 2008

What a Very Odd Speech

Obama's speech yesterday seemed like classic Obama, but it also seemed very strange. First, it was classic Obama because it was airy and nebulous and filled with talk about bringing walls down and bringing people together and, for all I know, feeding rainbows to unicorns. Their are lots of people who are fixated on Obama claiming he was "a citizen of the world," but I think this is not the strangest part of the speech. The strange part was the constant call for people to come together.

In a nutshell, Obama told us that if the people of the world came together, there was nothing they couldn't do.


What does that mean, people of the world coming together? When has that ever happened? The only thing I could think of when I heard that was some kind of Roger Corman alien invasion movie. The people of the Earth come together when they need to fend off the Martians. Other than that, they really don't come together to do much of anything.

Dude, this is the moment for the people of the Earth to come together.

The other odd part was how "this was the moment" to do something or other. I doubt that he thinks that "this being the moment" and his candidacy are a coincidence. It's pretty easy to see that he thinks that "this is the moment" because he's around to tell us all what to do.

Two years ago, it was most certainly not the moment. Now it is. I'm sure you know why.

What a weird speech.


  1. I thought the speech was very inspiring. I love his message of peace and unity. I think he would be very effective in foreign relations if elected.

    Although, like all politicians, he does send mixed messages at times.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Maybe he knows something we don't - maybe there *are* invaders from Sirius, and they are installing their giant gyroscopes so that they can steal the earth *right now!*

  3. After the White House, maybe he can run for Supreme Being

    This is an actual paragraph from a column by the San Francisco Chronicle's Mike Morford:

    “Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.”

    Om. Om. Om. Om.


    Don't remember how I stumbled on that, but it looks like it came from here

  4. How do you fight that, if you're McCain?

    How do you fight all the network anchors playing groupie and ignoring McCain's 8 trips to Iraq, years of service, an absolute record...

    Are they going to come to their senses?

    If Obama had a record of doing ANYTHING that his followers gush that he will do if elected, if he had shown one iota of even trying to push even one of the things they say he will do, I could see it. But he doesn't.

    Give him four more years as a senator, let him actually DO something, and I may vote for him in 4 years. I don't think he is a bad guy - he's just a nothing right now. Getting alot of attention because of it, too. The blank slate. The empty vessel with a nice mirrored facade in which people see their hopes and dreams and their own high ideals looking back at them, and they mistake those for him.

    Strangest phenomenon. Second time I've seen it.

  5. Rose, what was the first time? This is a pretty unique phenomena for me. I've never seen such adoration of a candidate by the press. It's actually pretty frightening. It's almost as if, filled with the fear of their industry being destroyed by online rivals, the MSM is clinging to Obama as a savior. Not a political one, but a personal one.

  6. Ron, I agree that messages of peace and unity are great, but they aren't based in reality.

    See also: UN oil for food scandal, French participation in.

  7. Frankly, the sheer racism on display scares me:

    "The only possible reason you could vote against Obama is that he's black!"
    "What about his being wishy-washy about his church, friends, stances? What about his fondness for Marxism? What about him being two-faced all the bloody time? What about his inability to speak when he DOESN'T have a teleprompter?"

    "Bush can't speak!"

    "No, Bush CAN speak-- he says some things funny, but he doesn't go "um um um" like a fifth grader in public speaking class."

    "You just called Obama stupid! That proves you're racist!"

    "..." *sound of bottle opening. Chugging sounds.*
