
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Never Mind What I Said Yesterday

Our Missionary to the Frozen, Northern Wastelands was right. The Democrats are stupid enough to keep borrowing in the face of insanely huge mountains of debt.
House Democrats want to inject at least $50 billion into the economy through another economic-stimulus bill, which is likely to include a second round of checks for middle-income people.
So let's review, shall we? We're paying farmers to grow corn so we can burn it, we're paying the public education industry to, well, do something or other, we just sent rubber checks out to taxpayers who don't pay the taxes, we're promising to back the preposterous loan portfolios of the two largest mortgage holders in the country and now we're back to mailing cash to everyone.

OK, then, any questions?

Hooray for Nancy Pelosi! I'm joining this fellow and going to get a loaf of bread, too.


  1. In fairness uncontrolled spending isn't strictly a problem of the Democrats. The proposal for the Chinese stimulus checks originated in the white house. And this administration has spent like there is no tomorrow. A three branch control of the government by Republicans certainly didn't rein in spending. That said, the Democrats have rubber stamped virtually everything the Republicans have put in front of them.

    Republicans like to cut taxes and deficit spend, while democrats only spend. We're doomed either way!

  2. They're taking "down payments" on bread now?

  3. kelly, I totally agree. The exception to this was Newt Gingrich and Phil Gramm. Outside of that group, not much of a difference between the parties.

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