
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

And Back Out of Facebook Again...

I finally figured it out and got KT Cat back off of Facebook again. Here are the tools we use here at the plush editorial offices of The Scratching Post:

My blogging persona: Blogger, Twitter, Flickr, Friendfeed

My work persona: Movable Type blogs at work, Facebook, LinkedIn

If I want to post photos from my phone, I use Facebook for work and Flickr for this blog. Each side has a central nexus for the data. On the work side, it's Facebook, on the play side it's this blog.

There. Are we clear?


  1. Why do you use Flickr instead of the Blogger Picasa? Should I switch?

    Oh - and Happy STUPID NEW LAW Day!

  2. You mean I should be using Picasa? Argh! There are too many of these silly things. Curse you, capitalism! (shakes fist)


    I didn't try Picasa. I need to go do that and compare the two. I'll throw in my review of Kodak's site as well.
