
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thank You, Janet Albrechtsen

...for writing pieces like this.
THERE is a certain familiarity to the concomitant series of actions and reactions when disaster strikes in the world. The US stands ready, willing and able to offer assistance. It is often the first country to send in millions of dollars, navy strike groups loaded with food and medical supplies, and transport planes, helicopters and floating hospitals to help those devastated by natural disaster.

Then, just as swift and with equal predictability, those wedded to the Great Satan view of the US begin to carp, drawing on a potent mixture of cynicism and conspiracy theories to criticise the last remaining superpower. When the US keeps doing so much of the heavy lifting to alleviate suffering, you'd figure that the anti-Americans might eventually revise their view of the US. But they never do. And coming under constant attack even when helping others, you'd figure that Americans would eventually draw the curtains on world crises. But they haven't. At least not yet.
Read the whole thing. It will make you proud to call the Aussies friends.

It will also make you proud to be an American. It may not be enough if you're Michelle Obama, but then she's had a tough life what with trying to find private ballet lessons for her kids and all.

Good on ya, Janet.

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