
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Raccoons Don't Come in the House any More

...because the skunks are moving in instead. I've been rolling the dice and leaving the cat door open at night in the hopes of keeping our Maximum Leader's interruptions of my sleep down to two or less per night. I had thought that the raccoons, after a year or so of being locked out, might have moved on to other places to forage. It seems as though they have, but instead, last night we had an adolescent skunk come in the house to explore. It was a very well-mannered skunk and didn't spray or even stink up the place and calmly walked out when I turned on the lights.

I wish I'd been able to take a photo.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Well, if you *really* want that picture, I bet if you leave the cat door open again, he'll be back in to give you another chance!

  2. Tim, maybe if I leave some food out for the little guy and then have it trigger a flash camera when it eats, I'll get my picture!

    (munch munch munch)





  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    That's hilarious, but not fun I'm sure;) I had a video of this exact thing on my site a little while ago, so I can tewtally picture it in ma' head! Good luck with the racoons, maybe your cat will take care of them for you?

  4. Our Maximum Leader is about 1/4 the size of the raccoons. Her job is to monitor their positions.
