
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Six Word Memoir

I have been tagged by Wollf (our Pater of Prowling) who was tagged by Rambling Rose who was tagged by Something...and Half of Something who was tagged by Chrissie who was tagged by Delftsman who was tagged by Yeah, Right, Whatever who was tagged by Kat (our Abbess of the Priory of Small Princesses) who was tagged by Cao who was tagged by William Teach who was tagged by Beth who was tagged by Robbie who was tagged by Big Bad Wolf (again with the wolves!) who was tagged by Curtis who was tagged by Earl who was tagged by Breda who was tagged by Christina LMT who was tagged by Trashman who was tagged by Nightmare who doesn't seem to have done it at all, but he's getting married soon or was recently married, so in a fit of felicitous feline friendliness, we will forgive him.

Here are the rules of the meme.

1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can track it as travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

Here's my memoir:

You matter more than I do.

By way of explanation: This may seem like an egotistical memoir, but I assure you it is not. Like all human traits, it brings with it success and failure alike.

And now, who to tag? Well, this can't be allowed to die after that excellent pedigree of bloggers. Let's try something really wild and go with some blogs that are right near me in the TTLB Ecosystem. How about:

1. Holy Mama
2. I'm a Drama Mama
Hmm. That's a lot of mamas. Let's go in a different direction now.
3. Practicing Theology
4. The Green Greek
5. Jodi's Ramblings

There. Mission accomplished, Oh Pater of Prowling!


  1. Bwa-Ha Haaaa.....excellent job, so says the Pater of Prowling.

    The thought you put in, as always make me have to go back and meditate a bit.......

    Mine were after all, a "bit" ADD...

    Thanks for playing my friend.

  2. That was great and very interesting too.

  3. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Well done, and thank you for the note, it got me here and I'm glad.

    Your "starvation" post was very interesting. I follow the commodities markets, I have a series 7 license, and boy, do I miss trading.

    I see we have at least a few "friends" in common, I spotted The Right Brothers in your sidebar, love them guys!

  4. Thanks for leaving your paw prints on my blog. Love the picture and the memoir. Both tend to lead the reader into a meditative state which is always a step in the right direction.

  5. okay, mine is nowhere near as profound as yours. but i finally did it!
