
Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Guess This Makes Both Hillary and Obama "True Conservatives"

Apparently, in last night's Democratic debate, both Hillary and Obama pledged not to raise taxes on people either making $97,000 or less or $200,000 or less. I can't quite tell which. In any case, in the eyes of the Rush Limbaugh - Sean Hannity crowd, this should make them "true conservatives" because as we all know, "true conservatives" never pay for what they buy.

Budget deficit: $400B and rising.

Is it possible for the Democrats to be any less serious? Their only serious aspect was their willingness to raise taxes to cover some tiny portion of their crazed spending sprees. Now they're not even going to do that. It's all spend, spend, spend and no new taxes for anyone. I've got the perfect candidate for the Democrats. He's tried this all before and he keeps getting re-elected.

Draft Mugabe now! He can do for us what he did for Zimbabwe!

Update: I guess the numbers were $200,000 or $250,000.
Both promised to not raise taxes on those making less than $200,000 or $250,000 a year. They both just emasculated their domestic programs. Returning the rich to their Clinton-era tax rates will yield, at best, $40 billion a year in revenue. It’s impossible to fund a health care plan, let alone anything else, with that kind of money.


  1. *cough* Far be it from the dems to FINALLY look at the evidence, and notice that lower taxes=> more tax income. I think it's called the Laffer curve.

    I want to cut a LOT of spending; maybe grab that Pork book and start using random pages...but cut taxes, too, and while we're making a wish-list, how about loosening up some of these stupid regulations?

  2. This particular Rush-listening "true conservative" and his 40% tax bracket arse will believe it when he sees it.

    No one will have to lift a finger to raise our taxes as merely letting the Bush tax cuts to expire will effectively accomplish the same.

  3. You guys are missing the point. About 50% of the country doesn't pay a thing. For them, all politicians are Santa Claus.

  4. That would be another big chunk I'd like to get rid of--although I'd clarify they don't pay *where they can see it.*

    I don't like this "economic stimulus package," I don't like letting folks vote themselves money, but we can't seem to stop it.

  5. I just wanted to whine a little bit...

    ... hey, does favoring a flat tax put me in with the flat earth crowd as well?

  6. It might put you in the "Get of my yard, ya dang kids!" crowd.

    (I still find it amusing that Huck, who wanted a nation-wide ban on smoking, set up weight programs, other intrusive nannystate stuff...also backs the flat tax.)

  7. I wonder what goes through the minds of the people who don't pay any taxes at all. Do they think about freeloading?

  8. Foxie, Shoot. I'm willing to back about anything other than the current system. Re: Huck. Yes...ironic

    KT, what goes through their minds, I suppose, is "dang, its almost April 15... time to file for my (non-existent) taxes to get my hands on that Earned Income Credit - Yee-hah!" Only in America.

  9. KT- judging by some of the folks I worked with, they basically think:

    Whoot! Free money! About @#$@ time, and why do I have to go to all this effort to get my free money.....

    This is based off of several co-workers who were defrauding CA and several organizations to pay for college classes the Navy was already paying for.

    These days, I'm wishing I'd had the knowledge and guts to turn them in. (Honestly, THEN I was wishing for the same thing....)
