
Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Democrats' Problem

...this year is that they have one candidate who everyone hates and another who hates everyone.

You all hate me! I will smack you with my hand!

I hate you and you and you and especially you, you gun-waving bible nut!

It's an embarrassment of riches! Err, actually it's an embarrassment of poverty. But given the Democrats love of poverty, that's an embarrassment of riches. Which would be bad. Because the rich need to be poor. Err, I seem to have lost my way.


  1. "I seem to have lost my way...."

    Welcome to Wollf World.
    Losers...both of 'em.

    Not Real happy with the "Conservative" alternate either, but given my choice?

    I know what crank to yank.

  2. Heh. As one talkshow guy put it: I have a choice between a racist liar and a vet. Um... I'll take the vet.
