
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Counter Insurgency a la Barack Obama

In a recent argument with a reporter asking him questions about Iraq, Barack, in addition to deliberately misunderstanding John McCain's quote about staying in Iraq for 100 years, posits a positively preposterous plan to pursue terrorists in Iraq after American troops have been withdrawn. Barack suggests that we maintain a "strike force" somewhere in the region. Kuwait, perhaps?

Just when has a counter-insurgency ever worked when run from a distant location? The success of the surge and all the lessons learned from the last few months shows this idea to be total nonsense. It's just flat out retreat and surrender, dressed up as something else.


  1. As much as I disdain McCain...heh, a rhyming thingie....

    I truly do distrust and dislike the Democratic alternatives. At least McCain has got it absolutely right regarding the very real war on Terror.

    And bring our Troops home, leave a frigging Strike Force? For what? To clean up the streets after the bad guys are all done and back snug in their beds?

    He is a fool.

  2. The idea is truly presposterous. The clearest thing I can use to illustrate that is...

    Imagine you are a home owner. The Fire Department has s strike force stationed 100 miles away. How effective will they be in protecting your property? That's how well a strike force will be against the terrorists.
