
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What Sites do you Read Regularly?

Every morning I have the same routine when I get up.

First, I perform my sacerdotal duties within the Feline Theocracy - feeding, watering, petting and praising our Maximum Leader, not necessarily in that order.

Next, I make a cup and a half of coffee of which I will typically only drink one cup. My combat with caffeine has been chronicled in the past.

I then go into the game room where our big PC lives and go through a few websites before I start blogging. I read Instapundit, Real Clear Politics, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and as many members of the Feline Theocracy as I can.

I frequently find really cool posts or articles from these sites that I don't want to comment on, but would like to bring to your attention. Many times I don't because I figure that you all have seen them already. I mean, if Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit has linked to a post, then what good is it for me to link to it from here? Glenn's readership is in the hundreds of thousands. However, it's beginning to dawn on me, that's not what matters. What matters is if you have seen those interesting tidbits. This is not a megablog and it never will be. It's just a way to reach out and make new friends.

So what do you read regularly? If I post a link that I find on Instapundit is it new to you? How about the WSJ? Is there a blog you recommend I add to my morning routine to share with everyone else? Inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks in advance for any and all comments.


  1. I don't read any of the "big" ones regularily so if you post something, chances are it will be the first time I see it.

  2. As well as those you mention, my regular reads include, Fresh Bilge, Captain's Quarters, American Thinker and neo-neocon. Got more but that will do for now.
    Alan Sullivan at Fresh Bilge is an interesting guy, writes fine poetry and is very knowledgeable in many fields.

  3. The Scratching Post, of course. Glenn "Get some pictures" Reynolds at Instapundit, American Thinker, Drudge and DeadSpin are all top-o'-the-morning stops but I'm addicted to Hot Air.

    Linking to the big boys is your way of saying, "Hey, I found something in particular that I thought was interesting and I think you will also."

    Often, time won't permit too much cruising of the blogosphere so some cherry-picking within the Theocracy is very convenient and most appreciated.

  4. Even if I've seen it (unlikely), I still like seeing your point of view.
