
Monday, February 25, 2008

Thoughts on Barack Obama From Around The Theocracy

He's the phenom that everyone is talking about! Well, some aren't actually talking, per se, they're kind of just fainting, but I would bet that the ACLU would protect the sound of the back of your head hitting the folding metal chair behind you as free speech.

The Feline Theocracy has been abuzz with Obama fascination as well. Here's a quick sample of thoughts.

Our Court Jester (why isn't he one of your daily reads yet?) has pithy remarks about the messiah angle.

Our Chancellor of the Exchequer has an analysis of anti-business rhetoric from Barack.

Our Missionary to the Frozen, Northern Wastelands points out that Obama is voting his convictions. Hillary isn't even showing up.

The Monks over at the Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings have a take on Michelle Obama's (innocent?) gaffe about finally being proud of America.

The Cantor of Chemistry has a soul-searching analysis of his opinion of Obama. I was surprised when I read it.

Holy Scholar Mark Shea has a good summary of our electoral choices. A summary that might make you spit coffee all over your monitor.

Lastly, our College of Cardinals has a different take on Michelle Obama's claim to finally have been proud of America.

There, that's a good round up for now. Have fun scoping them out and don't forget to leave a comment when you can!


  1. The hype has really gotten out of control. It actually reminds me of Carter's supporters in the 1976 race. MockPaperScissors has some great Obama snark. On health care, on his strategies, and is cult, of personality.
