
Thursday, February 21, 2008

This was Pretty Devastating


This also illustrates why I don't like Chris Matthews at all. He finds a single question that rattles or stumps a guest and builds an entire case around it. It's not like anyone thought that Obama was some kind of legislative juggernaut in the first place. Still, the video is pretty telling.


  1. Ya this was painful to watch. Although it was really more of an embarrassment of senator Watson than Obama. Interestingly enough, the next night they had another representative on to answer the questions, and she did a pretty good job. Still it misses the point that supporters of Obama aren't attracted to him because of his legislative history, but rather because of Hillary's.

  2. Right on Kelly.

    Obama's support amounts to a vote for "None of the Above" (except for cases like South Carolina, where his support was strictly along racial lines). Legislatively, he's a non-entity. But when he's running against somebody with the negatives of Hillary, nothing looks pretty good.

  3. I think people are attracted to Obama because he does inspire people. He gives people hope. He speaks like MLK and is smooth like a Kennedy. HIllary just doesn't do that. She's like a cog in a machine, too robot like.
    I also think Obama is honest.
    the man actually admitted that he smoked marijuana. How many other politicians have the balls to be honest? people want honesty. I want honesty. He seems to have integrity. I don't trust Hillary.
