
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 12 Sunset Video

Last night's sunset was very nice so I decided to capture the video.

Update: The video I uploaded to YouTube got tagged as a copyright infringement because of the 90 seconds worth of the Swing Out Sister song I used as the soundtrack. I haven't had time to remix the video with a different song. When I get a chance to do so, I'll reload this post and put it back up at the top.
The music is Swing Out Sister's Don't Say a Word. After watching the camera's auto-exposure software struggle with one sunset after another, I've decided to set the next one manually. When I've tried that in the past, the initial portion of the sunset just blows the video away, awash in bright light as the camera stares directly at the sun. If you don't do this then the remainder of the video is so dark that you miss all the wonderful colors of the sunset. I'm willing to take a chance with that just to see what happens with the rest of the video.

This will also allow me to fix the focus on inifinity. When the light dims in these sunsets, the camera has been trying all different focal lengths which is why the lights of the beach communities keep going in and out of focus.

I know this video is a bit on the slow side. This time I set the video length to match the pace of the song. What do you think? What would you change in these videos?


  1. So, would 90 minutes of any song trigger being tagged?

  2. Rose, I don't think so. I've used music from Enya, the Monkees, the B-52s and so forth and never been hit before. Come to think of it, my previous Swing Out Sister video did not get tagged, either.

    Hmmm. I wonder if you're right and it's the length of the music excerpt? When this happened, I thought it was because I mentioned Swing Out Sister in the description of the video on YouTube.

    You bring up an interesting point. I'll have to try an experiment with the next one.

  3. One of my "good News in Iraq" YT videos got pulled. I was using Joan Baez singing Battle Hymn of the Republic. It was written like 1860. And the left leaning YT video that use the same music are still playing.
