
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Barack Obama's Theme Song

...and his campaign platform and his standard stump speech and the rationale for supporting him and...

With all due respect to our Missionary to the Frozen, Northern Wastelands, for the life of me I can't remember him giving a solid answer to any question ever. The nation is hugely in debt and we're going to need to raise taxes and cut spending to get out of this mess. No sunshine there. Iran has vowed to incinerate Israel on the way to flattening American cities. No lollipops in that. China is poisoning the globe as it's $0.75 an hour labor force strips jobs away from everyone else, jobs that won't come back until there is labor cost parity - higher in China and lower here. No rainbows.

Oh the heck with it. It's a groovy song and Obama is a photogenic guy. Hooray for Leslie Gore!

Update: Our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musing harshes your mellow even more.


  1. Good lord... Posting a full 2 hours before the rest of us are even out of the rack on a weekend? Foul!!! The potential for corruption and abuse in the blogging process is too important to ignore - we need a law!

    Thanks for the hook-up, dude.

  2. Hey dude! Don't harsh my buzz! ;)

    Ya I can't really argue with what you're saying. Then again they're all going to steal my wallet, at least I can be entertained while its happening.

  3. KT,
    I looked over what the Monastery of Miscellaneous Musing had to say. I see that he desperately wants to see a candidate that will do something about immigration. And specifically that Hillary will be true to her word and offer a solution. But her San Diego statements contradict her past statements, and they certainly contradict what was(not) done during the first Clinton administration. And I don't see anything in writing at her campaign site either.

    I still maintain that they are both cut from the same cloth and policy wise are virtually identical. She is better then he is at throwing out specifics - that has bothered me too about him - but I don't really think I can believe what comes out of her mouth, it changes too often depending on the direction of the wind. So I don't see her specificity as a plus.

    If only none of the above were a choice.

    I wish McCain had given more thought to issues outside of national security. Its not like he hasn't had the last eight years to think it over and take a stand. It doesn't speak well that he hasn't bothered.

  4. The Obama Girl is back as Super Obama Girl

  5. I think that your information is so cool, i think that you said the true you are really honest in your words. I agree with you in all the points!!22dd

  6. I've been redacting a similar update but I couldn't emulate your style, it's a shame because I really want to be like you: it's all about good sources, honestly, main point and informational sense. 23jj

  7. Hey, there is a lot of useful info above!
