
Friday, February 15, 2008

Army Corps of Engineers in Iraq

Navy SEABEE CDR Steve Frost closed out construction of 30 key neighborhood health clinics and other projects before completing his most recent 13-month tour in Iraq. Here's the video highlighting his work. It's only 3 1/2 minutes long and worth watching through to the end.

After he was injured by an IED, he refused a chance to leave. The money quote from the video comes from this event. "You don't want to go home, you want to come back here to finish the job. You want to be with your troops because you believe in what you're really doing."


  1. "Where do we keep finding these people?"

    I am so not worthy.

  2. Its amazing that these PRTs (provincial reconstruction teams) aren't getting more press. Our forces are in Iraq primarily to create opportunities for these teams to come in with their unique mix of fire power, engineering talent, and diplomacy to help turn the Iraqi culture in a positive direction.

    Where the heck is a reporter when you need one!?@!
