
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Google Earth Weather Tracking

This weekend, as noted by our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings, San Diego was supposed to experience a massive storm. Because of that, I cancelled my daughter's soccer lesson. Here's what the weather looks like right now, at 10:42 AM.

See any sign of rain? Neither do I.

Disgusted with Yahoo! Weather and the Weather Channel's site, I stumbled across the Google Earth Blog's entry about tracking weather on GE. Check it out. Here's what it shows right now, with San Diego at the center.

I think we need to try and reschedule the soccer lesson.

I've got it set now so that every time I start GE, this cloud overlay will come up. I think I'll use this more than the Weather Channel site.


  1. That's actually pretty cool.

  2. Heh! We're getting snow at sea level!

  3. I usually use the Weather underground site at it has a lot of radar and the actual models they use to predict some of the weather. So if you don't like the forecast, you can look at the information and make up your own...
