
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

World of Good, Gratitude Style

Welcome to another World of Good (WOG) entry here at The Scratching Post! This week is a really short one and it's all about saying "Thanks!" to certain people. Check this out.

Working with these guys and knowing them as I do, just hearing someone say, "Thanks" means a lot. You can do a world of good with a simple gesture or a few words.

For more WOGs, a description of why we WOG and an opportunity to join the WOG Squad, see this post.

H/T: Our Grand Inquisitor.


  1. Thank you for sharing this - it put a huge smile on my face this morning - and I will do my best to remember to put it into action!!! :)

  2. This is great....

    I'm not very good with words that aren't supposed to make folks laugh, so the hand thing (IHS?) is perfect for me...

  3. But...but...what if you're one of those Ninnycrats who doesn't believe in war and violence and guns and stuff, it could be damaging to the very few brain cells you have and you wouldn't want that to happen, would you. Would you?
