
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ron Paul is Using iPhones to Send Porn to Iraq

Ha! Take that you iRobots, Ronulans and lefty peace-creeps! You all came over to see what this was about and found nothing at all. Har har har!

Muuhahahaha! I've created the ultimate post! It simultaneously irritates every fanatical religious group in the blogosphere!

Feel free to get your primal scream therapy over with in the comments, losers. Maybe you could all combine to tell us how if we went to the gold standard, shiny toy phones would be cheaper and would help us negotiate with a lot of maniacs who slather themselves in Semtex before going to the shopping mall.

Update: I couldn't think how to insert impeaching Chimpy McBushHitler into the title and not have Blogger cut it out of the URL.


  1. Ummm.....KT?

    Where's the porn?
    damm. Tricked again.

    "Chimpy McBushHitler?"

    Nevermind, you run a PG13 site.

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    You're with FRED? talk about a loser! Join team Giuliani!!!!!

  3. Nice photo of high school chemistry class!

    Is that Bush's brain in the flask on the desk? ;-)

  4. I thought the whole Anonymous family lived up in Eureka?

    Well, at Least this one's a Republican. heh

    Kelly, that wasn't nice. That's only his brain when thinking about illegal immigration.


  5. Ha Ha! Great Idea! Bring 'em out of the woodwork - it would work up my way.

  6. Anonymous5:55 PM

    You make me laugh. ;D

  7. Kelly, I think that looks like a fat Madagascar Hissing Cockroach with a shaggy toupee in that jar.

  8. Anon,

    Rudy is my #2 choice.

  9. Why didn't I do all these replies in one comment?

    Wollf, there is porn on this site. You can find it here.

    Thanks, rose and oromin.
