
Thursday, November 01, 2007


Yesterday wasn't hectic, it was insanely hectic. The aftershocks are being felt across today and tomorrow as well.

If anyone's got a time machine I could borrow, now's the time to let me know.

Update: Yesterday I involuntarily sat through most of a Christiane Amanpour special on CNN. Unbelievable. Some people think CNN is biased. I'm not sure I agree any more. I think that their reporters, Christiane being a prime example, are suffering from self-inflicted stupidity brought on by excessive moral relativism. Her work was so bad, so childish and so totally out of context that it led me to believe that you could run a very successful blog simply watching CNN's horrible reporting and then mocking and correcting it.

There's a post in all of this, but it will have to wait until later.

Update 2: I'm at a conference at a Hilton Hotel today. The hotel has free wireless (yay!) and I'm liveblogging the conference back to work (double yay!). It's totally cool. I was just able to find a power outlet close enough to my table to plug in my laptop (triple yay!).


  1. Which of the three did you watch? Or did they show all of them together?

    I had a very different reaction. Although they were dumbed down for a mainstream audience, I found some value in the segments. I thought the Muslim segment did a nice job illuminating the crisis in Europe. Not everyone in this country is as aware of what is going on there as you are. I also thought contrasting what amounts to "radical" Christianity and Judaism to "radical" Islam made it explicitly clear that Islam, as it is currently practiced, is not a religion of peace. Bending over backwards to let these people explain themselves only made most of them look worse. A case in point were the American converts to Islam.

    The Christian segment led me to Greg Boyd's blog, something I wouldn't have found on my own.

  2. I saw the Jewish Warriors of God one. The wars that led to the Israelis taking over this place or that had no cause according to the program, they simply occurred like hurricanes or tornadoes. The end result was that the Jews had taken advantage of these natural disaster-like wars to seize Arab land.

    There was a brief mention of an Arab sneak attack in one of them, but it didn't really play any role in the analysis.

  3. I agree with you that segment was pretty poor! I Think I watched it last.
