
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Dr. Muhammed Al-'Arifi on Proper Woman-Beating Techniques

Our friend Wollf over at Howling at the Moon posts a very sharp piece about Dr. Muhammed Al-'Arifi's advice to muslim men.

"Beating in the face is forbidden, even when it comes to animals," he explained. "Even if you want your camel or donkey to start walking, you are not allowed to beat it in the face. If this is true for animals, it is all the more true when it comes to humans. So beatings should be light and not in the face."

Thank you, you piece of human debris, for clearing that up for us "Infidels". Oh, that we were as "enlightened" as you...

As I understand this, we are not to debase our wives, read women, by beating them in the face, thus treating them with LESS respect than we would our Friggin' donkey? Wouldn't want to do That...Make SURE, gentlemen, to treat your female friends with the SAME respect that you would any other animal.

It is NOT one World, One People out there, students.
Emphasis mine.

Wollf obliterates the entire foundation of multiculturalism in less than 500 words. Well done, sir.


  1. What do you mean multiculturalism is dead? They're exactly like us - during the dark ages. ;)

  2. Yes, Kelly....the Darkest of ages.

    All Men at some point have had it"up to here" with their Lady.
    Hooo Boy!, myself included.

    Men of Honor Do Not Strike Women.

    These Pontificating Poopheads Pi$$ me off No End.

    KT, thanks so much for linking this story.

  3. Kelly-- please don't slander the dark ages.

    Say, rather, they're about like the Romans.

  4. How many wake up calls do we need.

  5. Rose, Just one.....and we already had it.

    Although, I could use one tomorrow, say 0430? KT, can you send an e-mail and wake me up?

    Soory.....Wizrd holiday

  6. 0430? Horribly, I will probably be awake then.
