
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Should We Stop Visiting Townhall?

The Feline Theocracy's Patriarch of the Airwaves, Hugh Hewitt, posts at Here's his blog.

Townhall is absolutely hostile to other blogs. For one, it won't accept trackbacks coming from haloscan, which is my trackback provider. Everyone else seems to be able to work with halsocan, but townhall can't. You can't put html tags in the comments. You can't put links in the comments. You can put the URL, but it won't come out as a link.

The question before the panel is this. Since townhall breaks all the rules of polite blogging and sneers at the rest of us, should we boycott it? It's not like there aren't plenty of other blogs to visit, all of which allow html, links and trackbacks. For example, has anyone noticed our new friend, beerswithdemo? Check them out. They're a very nice blog. They would never treat us so rudely.

Here's your chance to be heard. After we vote, if we decide to boycott them, I will put one last comment over at townhall with the URL of this post to let them know that being blogging party poopers isn't OK.

Update: I forgot to mention the biggest issue of all. Before you can comment, you have to register. And give them your mailing address. Booooo!

Should we boycott
Look, I told you before, I don't do polls!
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1 comment:

  1. KT, As Townhall appears to be a clearinghouse for conservative writers, these writers' work can be found elsewhere... like their own websites or National Review, Weekly Standard, etc. No need for the rudeness. Whack'em
