
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

San Diegans' Behavior During the Fire Emergency

...has been excellent. In the vast majority of cases, we've been told to evacuate and that's all we've needed to take care of our own property, pack what we needed, find shelter with friends or relatives and calmly get out of the evacuated areas.

If only there was a country like this, based upon personal responsibility and courteous behavior! Alas, it cannot be so. We need an ever-increasing government presence in our lives to make sure we drink all of our milk, take our afternoon naps and not say naughty words to each other. Come to think of it, I'm feeling kind of queasy about how higgledy-piggledy everything is right now. I've got neighbors and friends all around me who have taken in refugees from the fires and we've yet to receive instructions from the authorities.

Man, I can't wait until Hillary is elected and all of the uncertainty associated with individual free will is taken away from us.


  1. So we can sign you up as a Hillblazers? ;-)

    Talking about the Mommy state - did you hear about a kindergartener being charged with sexual harassment because of the way they hugged a student teacher. How a four year old knows what is inappropriate is beyond me.

  2. Good one, Kelly. My current favorite is the public school that is handing out birth control to the kids.

    The 12-year-old kids.

    That's a felony as far as I know. It's the distribution of prescription drugs without a prescription. If my kid went to that school, I'd retain a lawyer and sue them instantly.

  3. K T, You and that darn Hamster out of Flame zone? Yup, We...your readers and Blog Buds want to know.

    Me, Newbury Park, just suffering the smoke at this time.

    Take care buddy.

  4. howls, we're not in the flame zone, but my folks are. They're living with us for the time being. It looks like there house is safe, but it's right on the hairy edge of the fires.

    Thanks for the concern, amigo.

  5. How 'bout the guy at "and still I persist"? His site seems to be down - too many hits? Or is he evacuated?
