
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ole Buttermilk Sky

Another sunset video, this one set to a Hoagy Carmichael tune.

I can't figure out why every video I shoot from the tripod ends up tilted. They don't look that way through the view screen. Clearly I need to work on this.


  1. KT.........I had the same problem....a friend of mine, a videography engineer, explained that That I should shoot the degree of tilt from a saved video, and then figure the angles of declination and ascension as compared to the actual elevation above the horizon which would then allow me to........

    Put a rock under the left leg of the tripod.

    Hmmmmm. Never did really like that guy.

  2. Oh doesn't that jusy annoy you to no end!! I so can relate, we had that for awhile too and it ended up being the tripod!
