
Friday, October 19, 2007

Halloween Costumes for Girls

We stopped by Party City tonight to get a couple of things for my son's Halloween costume. While there, I perused their selection of costumes for girls like my daughter. They had the full selection! There was the medieval prostitute, the gangster prostitute, the pirate prostitute, the Arab prostitute, the nurse prostitute, the space prostitute, the prehistoric prostitute, and for those who don't want their children to dress in such a slutty fashion, the nun prostitute.

Hooray for modern, American culture!


  1. I think it was commendable that a) they were honoring the laborers in the world's oldest profession and b) they were doing it in such a diverse manner.

  2. I noticed the same thing, KT. The costume makers don't seem to realize it is COLD out there on Halloween night.

  3. No wonder I dressed up as Robin Hood.

  4. Katty,

    You sicken me.
