
Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Best Post Yet on Iraqi Reconstruction Problems

The blog Dumb Still Looks Free has an outstanding post on the technical hurdles faced in the reconstruction of Iraq. This is the best analyticial blogging I've seen since Steven den Beste stopped his.

1 comment:

  1. KT Cat - Thank you, and deeply.

    I am nowhere near SDB's class and capability for getting ideas across and well. Most of my posts tend to include much source material as I am uncomfortable with open statements unlinked to something a bit meatier. Commentary... well... normally that is a linkfest, too... but I was just too tired to do that at each and every point along the way. I was drawing from my past postings and readings of Yon, Ardolino, Roggio, Totten and so on, plus my analysis of Iran and Syria.

    That would have turned the poor comment blue with links and most spam filters reject such. So it was light and breezy, for me that is... surprised that its much of a surprise to anyone that the infrastructure is reviving and robustly in Iraq. Another 3-5 years of this and Turkey will no longer be the dominant power of the region (KSA has more money, but they are paper thin in everything else save Wahabbi venom). If Iraq were peaceful, the IA would already outclass Turkey in everything save logistics... which is key, of course.

    When one lets ideology trump keeping your eyes open, like a few other commenters at Megan's, well... if I think it's worth it, a minor cluebat is in order. I am non-partisan but Nationalist, and I do know the faults inside Iraq and throughout the ME because I've looked for them... this is one of the momentous changes in that region in nearly a millenia. For all the fact we are in a defensive position in Afghanistan and Iraq, by holding those we start a path to something better. Victory is never assured and perfection illusory... 'more perfect' we can and should achieve.

    But then I have a goofy maine coon and his brother, the diplomat, to contend with. What can one expect from someone with two such cats in the house?
