
Monday, September 10, 2007

Keeping Your Kids in a State of Fear

For those of you who don't watch The Half Hour News Hour, here's a clip from last night's show on a handy new product to make sure your children are raised in a state of fear.

I love it! When we took our trip to Wisconsin earlier this year, we got a tour of our ancestral lands by my 94 year old great aunt who showed us the path she used to walk to school every morning some 85 years ago. It was about three miles each way through farmland and forest. These days, parents won't let their kids walk four blocks.

As far as the show is concerned, having watched the last six episodes, The Half Hour News Hour always has a great opening segment with tiny fake news stories and a great closing with Dennis Miller. In between it's sometimes spotty, but last night it was pretty good from beginning to end. There was a great debate between a retired general and a bumper sticker writer as well and if I can find that, I'll post it, too.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the general and the bumper sticker writer - it was funny, but a little TOO TRUE!

    The one about the blogger was funny, too.
