
Friday, September 21, 2007

For the Arizona Cheesehead

The Arizona Cheesehead was one of the very first blogs to link to me. She's a Jimmy Buffet fan, too. Every time I see storm clouds out on the Pacific, I think of the Buffet song, Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season. It starts with "Squalls out on the Gulfstream, big storm's comin' in soon..." Every time I think of that line, I think of her.

With that in mind, I made this video for her from our sunset tonight as some clouds threatening rain malingered off the coast. Enjoy, Cheesehead.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was beautiful and one of my Buffett theme songs!

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    got the link from the cheesehead's blog - that was a real treat for a land locked ocean lover
    thx from a salt lake city parrot head

  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    ...just what they said above,
    also from salt lake city.
    (by way of 'the coast of carolina.')

  4. Thanks for all the nice comments. You guys made me smile.


  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Great song. Got to love it.

  6. I got a lot of back channel compliments for your work, too!
