
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Intellectual Fun and Games with Blogging

If you haven't visited our Keeper of the Catacombs lately, you should. Ron's been hosting one of the coolest applications of Web 2.0 I've ever seen, a series of contests on his blog. I don't need to describe it because a quick visit will reveal everything you need to know.

Go ahead and click over there. I'll wait.

Did you go? Excellent. Pretty cool, wasn't it? Ron's area of expertise is fairly unusual. Without blogs and the network of friends and colleagues enabled by the Internet, such intellectually intriguing fun and games wouldn't be possible. I love it.

I've been trying to introduce blogging at work and have had some success. We've made some great connections made because of our blogs, but we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. I'm beginning to develop an idea for a similar set of contests we can hold at work on our blogs there. It would be a fun way to continue to grow our professional interconnections.

Thanks to an idea borrowed from Ron, we're going to find that there's much more below the surface of blogging.


  1. Credit where credit is due: Brian at ... Or Something is the prime mover behind the "Where on (Google) Earth" series that I've been so active in.

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