
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Great Caffeine and Catkins Experiment - A Progress Report

A while back, I decided to cut down on my caffeine intake. I now drink one cup a day, down from 2 1/2 plus at least one Diet Coke. A short while after that, our Maximum Leader went on the Catkins Diet at the recommendation of her vet. She now eats Hill's m/d dry kibble.

Aside: Yes, I know that m/d was recalled by Hills because the !#%*%*! Chicoms poisoned it. The tainted food has been removed from circulation, according to Hills.

The result of these experiments after a few weeks is that we both feel better and have more energy.

With more energy, I blog faster and spend more time outside and less on the chair in the computer room.

A few days ago I had a Diet Coke late in the afternoon at work because I thought I needed a jolt to get something done. When I came home, I found myself irritable and I snapped at the kids a couple of times, something I hadn't done since I had reduced my caffeine intake. Meanwhile, our Maximum Leader has renewed energy and her coat has improved dramatically.

Her Serene Furriness is frequently seen soaring across the carpet, her newly improved, luxurious fur coat glistening in the sun.

All in all, we're both pleased with the results.


  1. Your blog is so funny. i love the cat and hamster theme, and especially that they make a business case for kindness. I'll be sure to come back and visit. Cheers

  2. Thanks, Laura! I hope my occasional snarkiness doesn't scare you away.
