
Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Feline Theocracy Hosts the Carnival of the Cats

Welcome to the 168th Carnival of the Cats. This week, the Feline Theocracy's Maximum Leader will not only host the Carnival, but will also provide an important public service message. Have you ever had to do the laundry and change the sheets, but found the cat laying on the bed? Today we will show you how to remove the sheets without disturbing the cat.

First, however, we will kick off the Carnival. Our instructional photos will be interspersed throughout.

First up, Mog's Meowza celebrates tummies. Mog is being followed, too. Watch out, Mog!

Ollie has passed away. Would you mind stopping by to leave some good wishes?

As Siofra can tell you, that tissue paper will get away if you don't jump on it. Watch the movie over at Chasing Grace.

Missy finally has her own blog. And quite a bit of cattitude.

Friday's got his paw stuck. Where? Well, visit the blog and find out!

Are there ever enough pictures of tummies? The Whole Kitten Kaboodle says no. I agree.

This Green life has an entry worthy of a World of Good post.

Step 1. Assess the geometry of the situation. It is important that the cat be on a comforter or bedspread prior to beginning this procedure.

Holy Tuna, Batman! Max has turned 20!

Science Blogs has a post that I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't read the whole thing. There are cell phones and there are leopards. What happens next?

Bebe. Don't ask, just click.

Allan says Mr. Jones is upset. Check it out.

Texas Oasis has an outstanding story about a seeing eye cat. No, seriously.

Ahh, to be young and full of energy! Ping is and Manx Mnews has the story.

Parker has a boo-boo. Poor Parker! She needs some tuna to help recover.

Jixie Juny is in a movie along with one of those crazy guys from No Pasaran! Brigade de l'Argent des Français has the movie and the story.

Step 2. Remove the corners of the sheet farthest away from the cat.

Mean Kitty responds to a snark. And then he bares all!

Lovely cat. Lovely art. Visit The Wide Awake Cafe for the details.

Samantha and Tigger will make you smile. Guaranteed.

Stereophile had me laughing out loud. After that, Bagheera plays Gloria Swanson to Stereophile's William Holden.

Do you know how to massage a cat?

Mr. G strikes a pose over at Pencil Roving.

Step 3. Remove the corner of the sheet second closest to the cat.

It wouldn't be a Carnival without Elms in the Yard. Go see what the lovely Missy is up to now.

The Feline Theocracy's Poet Laureate has some lovely flowers that Aloysius manages to outshine. Meanwhile, Krazy Kat dishes out wisdom.

Composite Drawlings plays host to some strays. Dinner is served. The Puppy Blender calls for a ban on cats. This ban is protested vigorously.

Sisu shows pictures of a cleverly colored Tiny. The cats help out on some resolutions. Tiny the cat performs ballet. With sneakers? You'll just have to go see.

Step 4. Remove the corner of the sheet closest to the cat. You should now have all four corners removed.

Momma Grace plays "Gotcha!"

Irishcoda has some ominous felines. The growlery has been entered!

Sisu is cooking and Tuck is the chief taster. Yum!

Rico Loco is playing "Gotcha!", too.

Step 5. Have an assistant gently wrap the cat in the comforter and lift the cat so that you can remove the sheet and put it on the floor

Over at Val's Bien, Bows is recovering from that dreadful Chinese cat food problem. Click on over and give Bows some good vibes.

Creatures of the Earth ties cats and Tony Soprano together. Not literally, of course.

It's over a hundred at Mog's. Cats or degrees? You have to go see to find out! Meanwhile, Meowza's out painting the town.

No Deep Thoughts has a kitty music video. Cats and cool music. They go together.

Bengals! There's not much prettier in the feline world. Life, Florida, Bengals, Whatever has it all.

Orloff chooses a good place to hide. Behind an elephant of all things!

Strange Ranger, do you give your cats perms?

Does Morris have an Ego or does Ego have a Morris? Go see for yourself.

Solidly Average has a cat that's just laying down on the job.

Step 6. Have your assistant gently lower the cat back onto the bed and unwrap her. Admire the cat. After all, she did all the hard work. You were just lucky enough to be there to see it. Or something like that.

And that's it! That's the Carnival and that's the instructions on how to undress a bed without bothering the cat. I hope you enjoyed both.


  1. Hats off to the Feline Theocracy. You guys did a great job. That was great, removing the sheets without disturbing the cat. I'll have to have Mom check it out so I don't get tossed off next time. Have a wonderful week.
    Samantha, Tigger and Mom

  2. What a lovely Carnival. Thank you!

  3. What a great Carnival! I'm sure my humans will benefit from the instructions on how to remove the sheets without disturbing a cat. Of course, it helps if the cat is a mature and patient specimen, like K T or me. A kitten would just go wild at being lifted in the comforter.

  4. Well done! The step-by-step photographic sequence demonstrating how to "how to remove the sheets without disturbing the cat" are a hoot.
