
Monday, May 28, 2007

HELP! We Need a T-Shirt!

The Feline Theocracy is calling all members, devotees, supporters and cat bloggers to help us win a t-shirt from Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.

Here's what you have to do. Go to his blog and on the right hand side, a bit down from the top, you'll see a poll asking you to vote for your suggestion for Hillary Clinton's theme song.

Vote for Auntie Grizelda by The Monkees. That's my entry. If it gets the most votes, I get a t-shirt. If I win, I promise to share it with each of you*.

In order to make sure we get lots of votes, vote from every machine you own, both at work and at home. Do not worry about doing this. I'm sure this is perfectly legal**.

Here's why I think Auntie Grizelda is perfect for Hillary. Both the romp and the lyrics are appropriate.

The romp is symbolic of a Hillary presidency. The kids chasing the Monkees represent government tax collectors and regulators. The Monkees represent all of us, citizens, entrepreneurs, workers, all of us. With Hillary in charge we will be relentlessly pursued across the country, the fruits of our hard work taken from us and our businesses hounded into the ground.

The lyrics are all Hillary.

She knows her mind all right, your auntie grizelda,
She says she knows my kind, she might, maybe so.
Oh, yeah, shes raised you right, your auntie grizelda,
You only know the things she wants you to know.

I know shes having a fit,
She doesnt like me a bit,
No bird of grace ever lit on auntie grizelda.

You cant begrudge her style, your auntie grizelda,
She couldnt budge a smile and do it for free.
So righteous making fudge, your auntie grizelda,
So proper judging others over her tea.

You look just like her you do,
I know by looking at you,
That youve been listening to your auntie grizelda.

[ad lib]

Oh, no, dont look at me like auntie grizelda
It takes much more to be someone of your own.
Youve got to make it free from auntie grizelda
Or just like her youll have to make it alone.

I know shes having a fit,
She doesnt like me a bit,
No bird of grace ever lit on auntie grizelda.

Auntie grizelda, auntie grizelda
Vote early, vote often! By the way, I think your local library is open right now. They have computers you can use to vote from. Go! Vote!

* - I will use the shirt for the first ten years. Each of you will get the shirt, in rotation, for ten years each after that. Fair enough?

** - I'm not actually sure that this is legal. Do it anyway. I want that t-shirt!


  1. kt, because you need a shirt so badly, and because i personally love the song auntie grizelda, i will send you a tee shirt just for playing the game.

    email me your snail mail address.

  2. I have mindlessly submitted to your request. I get the shirt on Thursdays.

  3. Ha ha! Auntie Grizelda is now in first place. We need not your charity, sir. The Feline Theocracy's mysterious powers will drive us on to victory!
