
Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Stylistic Note

I've been posting quite a bit lately about the good things Coalition troops are doing in Iraq. In the process of doing this, I've picked up new readers. Because I've been focused on this and have marketed it hard, I'm not sure that they realize that this is an eclectic blog and I write about a great many things. I've spent some time debating on whether or not to concentrate on this subject as it is a passion with me, but I've decided not to. The emotions surrounding the subject are intense and if I concentrated solely on this subject, they would wash away the tone I've tried to achieve with this blog.

I have a cache of great videos from Iraq that I will post and share with other bloggers as time goes by, but in the meantime, I'm planning on writing about whatever pops up at that moment. If you're one of my new visitors, thanks for taking the time to stop by and check out the site. I hope you like the hodgepodge of nonsense that hops out of my head and jumps onto the blog.


  1. I like your links to the videos from Iraq, and have passed them on to a few other bloggers. And I love the cat workout post, now this is a blog!

    Just wondering how you feel about the California bill being floated to force spaying and neutering of all dogs and cats by 4 months of age, allowing only "purebred" breeders to have exemptions. We have a similar "ordinance" being floated in Humboldt County (CA).

    I think this draconian over-reaction to (and attempt to solve) the numbers of animals being euthanized in animal shelters, taken to its logical conclusion means no kids will ever again have the experience of seeing kittens and puppies born, seeing their eyes open for the first time, will criminalize kids sitting in front of Safeway with kittens and puppies in a cardboard box, will result in a weakening of the species, astronomical prices and waiting lists for pets. I am stunned by the insanity of the thing.

    It's been proposed by the same guy who wants to ban incandescent lightbulbs.

  2. Rose, thanks for your very kind words. Thanks for relaying the videos. I've got about ten more favorited on YouTube to roll out over time.

    As for the bill, I hadn't heard of it, but I agree with you. It's kind of a harsh remedy to eliminate kittens at the expense of fewer deaths in shelters.

  3. Just thought I'd let you know that my 11 year old daughter just watched the Iraq videos. We have a lot of discussions about the difference between what she hears at school and what is really happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, the building of schools, letting girls go to school, that kind of thing. She understands, but she never "got it" like she did just now. She doesn't have a favorite, but she said, "That isn't at all the way I imagined it." and "They're so CUTE!" (The kids)

    Anyway, thanks again for those posts. The word does need to get out.
