
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Not a rut, but a Turning Point

Yesterday I posted about my recent lack of creativity. I complained about my brain drying up and not having anything interesting to say. As I puttered about yesterday thinking about it, it dawned on me that it might be a natural consequence to having several things resolve in my life all at the same time.

It's not a rut, but the culmination of a long winning streak. A few months before I started this blog I went through a major catastrophe that left me with plenty of debt and little free time. My daughter was having trouble in school. My job was incredibly frustrating and unrewarding.

I followed Dave Ramsey's financial advice and I took up blogging because it was the only thing I could think of to make a little money that was available in the odd moments and irregular times I had at my disposal. I scoured the mom-blogs and tried a variety of things to help my daughter. A month or so ago I was blessed by God and given a golden opportunity at work to work for someone who "got it".

In the intervening months, I paid off my credit card debt, my car loan and various other bills until I'm right where I like to be financially. In the last month my daughter finally internalized the value of school and has taken off scholastically, doing better than anyone but me predicted. My job is so much fun now that I work on it on the weekends for pleasure. Meanwhile, my son has been the same old rock of support and love that he always is. He thinks I'm helping and supporting him and doesn't realize just how much pleasure I derive from his company.

The end result is that with the last payment I sent out and the last set of test scores my daughter achieved, all of the pressing motivations I had have dissolved. I'm left with the wind at my back and a freedom at the tiller that I haven't had in years, perhaps decades, perhaps ever. The question is, which way do I steer now?

Avast there, mateys! Steer a course for...?

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