
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Is the War Lost? the wrong question. The real question is, "How do you stop suicidal maniacs with car bombs?" We have yet to figure that out. We can run away and move our forces into Afghanistan, but the problem will follow us there. If the Islamofascists see that it works, they'll keep at it.

So just how do you stop suicidal maniacs with car bombs?


  1. Convince them that they have something better to do with their lives. Barring that give them each other as targets. How you go about doing that I haven't a clue, but the British used to be pretty good at it back when they had an empire.

  2. Better to do with their lives than what? Take a look at Gaza. Anything here on Earth would be better than what they're doing right now.

    Better to do with their lives than achieve Paradise instantly is a pretty tall order.

  3. Put them all on an island and let them kill each other.

    No, wait, that won't work.
