
Friday, April 27, 2007

In a Rut

So no sooner do I get a very nice compliment from Jake Silver about being a thinking blog he loves to read, but my brain dries up. No photos of our Maximum Leader for the Friday Ark, no issue-related posts, no photos of flowers or sunsets, just a dry, barren desert of creativity. I've been visiting my favorite inspirational sites and coming up empty. I'm in a rut.

On the positive side, I recently changed jobs at work in part to spend more time helping my daughter with her schoolwork and she just got her first test packet back reflecting our new strategy. Her grades jumped one and a half grade levels. No bad grades at all. I guess having dad around to help does make a difference!

I'm sure this rut is temporary. I've been working so hard with my little poppet that I think my brain just ran dry. I'll be back later, I'm sure.


  1. Ya for Dad! You could tell us a bit more about the winning strategy if you think its general enough to apply to others.

  2. You bet, Kelly.

    It was pretty simple. She kept forgetting to bring home the things she needed to do for homework. She'd have her assignment list, but her books or papers would be left in her desk. She also couldn't remember when here tests were, so they were always a surprise to her.

    All I did was show up right when school was getting out and go through her backpack with her while the classroom door was still open and make sure everything was there. I also had her write her test calendar on her assignment book.

    After that, we would go home and I would putter around the house while she did her homework at the kitchen table and get help from me when she needed it. It amounted to about 2 1/2 hours a day of extra time spent helping her study. She loved it and she is glowing because she did so well on her tests.
