
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

America the Neurotic

What's with this country that we always want to believe the worst about ourselves? Nancy Pelosi just got back from a trip to see one of the worst dictators in the world and a bunch of people think this was a good idea because it could lead to a dialog with him. Just what kind of conversation are we expecting to have?

Tony Blair, after running to the UN to tattle on Iran, gratefully accepted the return of his 15 kidnapped sailors from Iran, a country that used massed waves of its own children to sweep minefields. Playing nice with these maniacs is going to lead to...what?

What's with all this self-loathing that gets us to put ourselves on par with total scumbags and maniacs? Evan Sayet has an excellent theory that it's all about the elimination of any discrimination of the differences between good and evil. After having watched the YouTube of his talk on the subject and reading his blog, I've yet to find a place where his hypothesis doesn't fit the facts.

My daughter's social studies text is full of this neurotic self-loathing. Every chapter is a catalog of the evils done by European immigrants or Americans themselves against everyone else. No context is given for any of it. The latest chapter in her book talks about the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II. It starts with the following sentence:

In 1942, America was at war with Japan.
No mention of Pearl Harbor, the Rape of Nanking, the Bataan Death March or their alliance with Hitler, just "we were at war with them" as if it was some mutual attack and both sides were equally to blame.

We need to fall in love with our country again and get over this garbage.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

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  2. I checked out anonymous' first video - its rather surreal to be having such a serious discussion in what looks like a game show studio and with people making jokes.

  3. Thanks for the visit, anon. It counts as a hit on SiteMeter. They all look like line drives in the box score.

