
Friday, January 19, 2007

Open Thread Post Post Post Analysis Post

The crack editorial staff here at the The Scratching Post (a lazy cat and a manic hamster) are hard at work attempting to resolve the technical difficulties posed by the previous open thread post. We are trying to embrace the Web 2.0 paradigm of user-generated content and yet cater to the needs of our readers, the vast majority of which are either mute, lazy lurkers or paranoid, cave-dwelling troglodytes. Or both.

Artist's conception of 90% of our readers.

We are also working on an advertising campaign that will work for either. We're toying with a combination of Preparation H and earmuffs. Or perhaps one slathered on the other.

Update: I put up a poll about this post. Feel free to go and vote and tell me how insulted you are.


  1. Feline Leader... you're odd.....

  2. Sometimes I'm the only one who thinks what I've said was funny.

    Oh well. At least someone got a laugh out of it.


  3. I always knew there were strange things under the bridge... yikes! Sorry if I don't always comment, but, ummm.... sometimes there's just nothing this lazy lurker can reply :)
