
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

World of Good Blogburst, Caribbean K.I.D.S. Style

Acts of kindess are all around us. I woke up this morning tired and uninspired. I got my cup of joe and googled aimlessly and in no time at all I had uncovered a group of Hilton hotels that raise money for children's charities in the Caribbean.

The ease with which this was found underscores once more how common acts of kindness are. The drumbeat of bad news and evil you get from the news media gives a false impression of the way the world works. This is a vanity link, but here is a very short post I wrote about the economics of bad news and why the news media blasts you with it day and night.

Enough of that. On to another World of Good (WOG) here at The Scratching Post!

Hilton Hotels in the Caribbean has a very simple and easy donation program for their guests. Just let them know you want to participate and they will add $1 to your bill and donate that to Caribbean K.I.D.S. $1? How hard is that? Apparently, it's pretty easy because Hilton has raised quite a bit of money and done some great things.

Officially called Kindness in Donations and Services, K.I.D.S. is Hilton Caribbean’s way of helping non-profit organizations devoted to children on the islands where its’ resorts are located. Hilton Caribbean guests and team members play significant roles in raising money. Guests help by voluntarily adding $1 a night to their account when they check out. Team members contribute by donating the time and effort in organizing events that benefit the children and generate funds.

Since implemented, Hilton Caribbean’s K.I.D.S. Charity Program has raised more than $1,000,000.
They've got a great newsletter that describes their work.

Aaauuuggghh! I can't take the cuteness! I'll sign, I'll sign. Here's your $1. Just stop being so blasted cute!

Here's an example of one of their charities.
In San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Caribe Hilton often sees more than $70,000 USD raised annually through events such as a fashion show and gala dinners throughout the year. A donation of more than $25,000 USD was given to Fundacíon Esposas Rotarios Pro Niños con Impedimento, an organization dedicated to raising funds to purchase orthopedic equipment for physically challenged children who have scarce economic resources.
Sigh. Such hard work. Honey, could you get me a daiquiri? I feel a whole lot of charity coming on.

I would like to recommend that we all support this charity, not just by thought and prayer, but by deed. Let's all take a vacation in the Caribbean and help those kids! Who's with me? I call dibs on the hammock by the volleyball court!

Sometimes you just have to make sacrifices to improve the lives of others.

You want more World of Good? We got more! Go to this link to get more. If you're a blogger or know a blogger, being a member of our WOG Squad is a great way to get links and traffic. Drop me an email and I'll be happy to add you to the list.

A few minutes ago I was tired and uninspired. Not any more. WOGs always cheer me up. I hope they do the same for you.

For more good deeds, please visit the Carnival of the Catholics.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a great post K T. Thanks for sharing it.
