
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thursday 13, Insomnia Edition

The Scratching Post is back with another Thursday 13 entry. Lately it seems as if I'm always complaining about the same thing. Sleep. I slept in, I've got jet lag, my toes were out of the covers all night and got frostbite in the frigid San Diego air, our Maximum Leader hogs the bed and so on. Well, buckle in and strap on your helmets, because this is another one of those.

13 things to do when you have insomnia.

1. Prepare for it. I TiVo'd the Monday night Raiders-Chargers game. Talk about boring! Re-watching it at 2AM should put anyone back to sleep. Memo to Marty Schottenheimer: The year is 2006, not 1006. The forward pass is legal. What a dinosaur.

2. After laying awake for an hour (even watching the game) do not decide to just get up because you'll have to get up in a few hours anyway. No matter how pessimistic you are, you can always get back to sleep. That hour or two will save you the next day.

3. Count sheep. Real sheep. Arrange with a local farm to have FedEx deliver sheep to your house in the middle of the night so you can count them. If you arrange them in a circle, you can count up to any number as you will be too tired to remember which sheep you started with.

4. Find the cat and bring her to bed. Imitate her. This is like learning art from Renoir. There is no creature better at sleeping in the world. They are patient teachers, too.

5. Get some regular exercise during the day. If supporting your kids' schedule keeps you in the car and the kitchen all the time, preventing you from working out, teach them to drive and cook. Some say 9 years old is too young for driving a car, but I'm not talking a stick shift here, just an automatic. Handling sharp knives and uncooked pork poses no problems for the well-prepared child.

6. Remember that caffeine is not your friend in the afternoon. While you may have had a hard time sleeping the previous night, its siren song and seductive ways around 3PM when you need to go to a perfectly dreadful staff meeting will rob you of your sleep that night. If you must get a cup of coffee to stay awake while your coworkers travel a verbal Mobius Strip for hours, don't drink it, dip body parts in it instead. The scalding will keep you awake just as well and it's easier to sleep with second degree burns than with caffeine in your blood.

7. Have a book to read on your nightstand. A frightfully boring book. I recommend a Real Analysis text or perhaps a Physical Chemistry book. The proof is left to the reader.

8. Feed your animals before going to bed. When I woke last night, I heard Jacob the Syrian Hamster going at it in his exercise wheel. It was a happy sound until I realized that I forgot to feed him. Getting out of bed insures that it will take an extra 15 minutes to get back to sleep, but the guilt of not having given the little guy his crunchings and munchings is even worse.

9. Make sure the bed is securely made before getting in it in the first place. Nothing is worse than waking up in the middle of the night with your toes sticking out down below and realizing that nothing short of getting up and making the bed will stop it. Even in San Diego, there's a 10-15 degree temperature differential between under the covers and out of the covers and your toes refuse to be treated like second-class citizens. They will keep you awake just out of spite.

10. Do not think about your blog. You may have no idea what you will do for a Thursday 13 post the next morning, but thinking about it will only make you wake up more. Just relax. When you sit down at the keyboard with your coffee in the morning, the post will come to you.

11. Pray. Jesus, Mary and Joseph all had some sleepless nights, too. They understand.

12. Do not watch the clock. That will only stress you out more and keep you from getting to sleep. The endless calculations of "if I get to sleep now, I will still be able to get x hours of sleep before I have to get up" are not restful thoughts.

Finally, I have this suggestion for dealing with insomnia.

13. Give up trying to sleep. Devote yourself to staying awake 24 hours a day. Sleep is over rated.

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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  1. Great list, though in my experience, bringing the cat to bed is guaranteed to keep you AWAKE. ;)

  2. I hate it when you are up until 2 hours before you need to get up...and then suddenly you are exhausted. Like 8-hours of sleep exhausted.


    I've been caffeine free for almost a year--best thing I ever did for my sleep life!

  3. What do you do if your cat is the CAUSE of your insomnia, though?


  4. Is there anyone who actually sleeps the whole night through? I wish I knew who those people were so I could come over and show them reality.

    As for the Raiders-Chargers game, consider this: At least you're not Tampa Bay.

    Happy Thursday to you, KT Cat! Feel free to visit mine if you get the chance!

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    The woman swears by acupuncture for insomnia. I'm a cat. Cat and insomnia in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

  6. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I totally loved this list. I loved it because I wasn't able to go to sleep last night because today was the first day the movers were coming to start packing us up for the move. I tried many of the things you suggested, to no avail. I think I finally passed out around 5 am and got woken up at 8 am by the hubby demanding I get up because the movers would be there any minute. UGH! Ta for now dahling!

  7. Great list!
    I have had trouble and take medication when it is really bad.
    number 13 sounds good..
    Have a wonderful evening and thank you for stopping in at my place.

  8. excellent post! i've had periods of insomnia all my life... but lately i just tend to think of it that my body likes to sleep in increments of only 2-3 hours at a time. as long as i get at least 6 i'm usually pretty good.

  9. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I find I have the most trouble sleeping when I have to get up earlier than normal for something important. Although, after having 2 kids I have forgotten what sleep is! LOL!

  10. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I nearly dozed off reading the wikipedia definition of Mobius Strip. :)

  11. Haven't done a TT this week, but glad I stopped in on this. Class suggestions. Will come back often when I can't sleep.

  12. I'll have to remember to try some of those.

  13. I totally understand about the temperature differential in San Diego ... At three miles from the beach, I can't understand the moaning/groaning about the low 90s in the "Cajon-zone" or San Pasqual ... But, then again, it'd be awfully crowded in my neighborhood if everyone moved to the beach ... I'll just burrow under the covers with Mom if things get too nippy.
    DaisyMae Maus
