
Friday, August 11, 2006

Free Satellite TV to Every Seat on the Plane!

That's where we're heading. How did I reach this conclusion? The Feline Theocracy's very own Prelate to the Primates has an excellent post on what he anticipates will be a ban on carry on luggage. I bet that's right.

As a frequent traveller, that doesn't bother me because I always check my luggage. I haven't had it lost and I rarely have to wait more than 5 minutes for it at the luggage carousel when I arrive. As long as I have my SuDoKu book and my music on my MP3 player on the flight, I'm OK. That's about to change.

It might not be enough to take the luggage away, you might need to take the electronics away as well. These days, terrorists set off explosives through triggering mechanisms like cell phones, pagers, garage door openers and things like that. The trigger signal is received from the cell phone and BOOM! I'm not sure just how effective the walls of the luggage compartments inside the planes are at blocking radio signals. Just to be on the safe side, the FAA may just ban electronics altogether.

Where does that leave the passengers? Not everyone wants to watch one more ghastly episode of "Two and a Half Men." Reading is an anathema to some. If personal electronics are banned, then I would expect competition to arise between the airlines to provide the best in-flight entertainment. To me, the winner would be the airline who provided the most choices to me. Satellite TV and radio would be the best. Jet Blue already does this.

If they offered the NFL package, I'd see about making my cross-country flights on Sundays during football season.



  1. "If they offered the NFL package, I'd see about making my cross-country flights on Sundays during football season."

    Yea.... Nice way to see your Saints lose....

  2. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Now that is a good idea. I think they should also have to offer this-- and bottled water--- at all the airport waiting areas, as well!

    I used to LOVE flying. Now, I don't even want to think about it!

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