
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thursday 13, Favorite WOG Photos Edition

This week my Thursday 13 is a bit of a vanity post. Once a week I try to do a World of Good (WOG) post whose purpose and nature are described here. Today I give my 13 favorite photos from the WOG posts.

1. In case you didn't know it, the US Navy was on the scene providing aid and comfort following the terrible tsunami in Asia. Here are some photos from that post. I get tears in my eyes from this one, taken aboard the USNS Mercy.

2. The USS Abraham Lincoln coming home.

3. What did you do in Indonesia, daddy? I helped people, honey. Lots and lots of people.

4. The Aussies were there, too. Here's a photo from their homecoming.

5. A group of students from a Catholic high school in Nebraska drove down to lend a hand after Katrina.

6. There's a Boy Scout troop that has an annual event to help baby sea turtles make it from their nests to the sea. The result is more beautiful creatures like this.

7. Lots of people donate their time for MS walks. Here's a participant with MS.

8. I went to a local Special Olympics event and donated some time. They repaid me in experiences.

10. There's a local group that brings dogs to nursing homes and sunshine into some lives.

12. Some folks donate their time to act as mentors to at risk children.

13. Finally, Spirit of America is a non-profit organization that organizes donations for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. Here, some Afghani boys get new backpacks and school supplies.

I hope you enjoyed these photos. Be sure to take a look at those WOG posts and stop by on Wednesdays for the new ones. If you've got a blog and would like to link to them, let me know and I'll alert you when new ones are up!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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  1. What a lovely post! Thanks for sharing all of those great photos and the stories that go along with them.

  2. Wonderful post, thanks for sharing!

  3. What a neat 13, I think that this is my favorite one all day!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. "The designated hitter rule has got to go." I had to look it up, I'm pretty RUSTY!


  4. inspiring and uplifting photos!

  5. This has to be one of my all time favorite lists. What a beautiful reminder that it doesn't take a large group to make a difference. The difference starts with one person caring for some one else.

    Thank you for sharing some goodness with us.

  6. Great pictures. I love the nursing home ones, especially. Thanks for visiting!

  7. Very nice pics. Thanks for visiting FBO and my T13 - Bible Misquotes Edition.

  8. Oooooo... I LOVE this one!!!!

    And SOOOO glad I am not alone in the "I Hate SITC and Seinfeld" club. My hubby LOVES Seinfeld, and so do his parents. So when the inlaws visit, if there is a rerun on, we HAVE to watch it. On my tv. On the cable bill I pay.

  9. Wonderful. That was very inspiring.

  10. What great pics! Thanks for posting. Great idea...World of Good!

  11. Love those pictures! Thanks for stopping by my site.

  12. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Beautiful post...Really refreshing considering what's on the news everyday...

  13. Anonymous11:05 AM

    This was a great post! Mahalo for sharing all of this with us. It is good to see what other people do to help, it makes the heart feel good.

    Mahalo for stopping by my TT.

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Very cool photos. It's nice seeing service & love in action.

  15. What an awesome post.
    Thank you for sharing those wonderful pics.
    Knowing there are people like that in the world makes it worthwhile to get up in the morning.

  16. What a beautiful 13!!! Thank you for putting a smile on my face today!

    Happy Thursday!
