
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Rescue Me - Or Maybe Not

Yesterday I was getting ready for work when I heard our Maximum Leader crying out in her "I fell asleep in the closet and you didn't notice me and closed the door and that was OK, but now I want out and I'm trapped" meow. Expecting to find her behind one of our doors I searched until I found her on top of our stackable washer-dryer unit, looking down and crying.

It was all a false alarm. She could get down easily, but she wanted me to come and resuce her or at least notice where she was. I told her she could get down by herself. Typically when these things happen and I try to rescue her, she moves away from me so I can't reach her and makes me get a taller ladder. I don't think cats like to be picked up by someone under them. It must be more comfortable to be picked up from above.

Be sure to visit this week's Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats.


  1. I done sumfing like that. Mostly, I wanted to know if it was okay fur me to be there. An, gettin up is always easier than gettin down. I'm purty quiet, but I got meself stuck in the boy's dresser once an cried nice an loud fur rescue.

  2. Who are you kidding? It's a controle thing. Simple as that!

    I should know...

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Squeaker likes to be on top of the fridge. Like he's going to find any milk up there...Silly cat!
