
Monday, July 17, 2006

Giving In

This is an entirely vain post. Before I go on, let me see if I have something to reward the people that took the time and clicked over here to see what was going on at The Sratching Post. Hmmm. How about this?

As I was saying, this post is all about subject matter choices and how to handle comments. I've discovered that I am a spastic blogger. I can't entirely direct my writing energies. If something looks interesting, I write about it. I've tried to stop writing about politics, but sometimes the call is too great. I then put some mild disclaimer at the top of the post about how I wish I wasn't doing this and then go on to blather for another 8-10 paragraphs. No more. When I feel the need, I will embrace the Dark Side.

The primary reason I wanted to avoid politics was to the nastiness that crops up in the comments sections of such blogs. Yesterday I discovered a way to do both. I went 16 rounds with an anonymous commenter on this post and discovered a way to calm things down.

It's said that you can get a loud drunk to quiet down if you whisper to him. I tried the same thing in that comment thread. Ever time he tried to be aggressive, I didn't resist and came back in (what I hoped was) a kind voice. At then end it seemed to work. See for yourself.


  1. Love it. Much better than the political blogs. ;)

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Engaging in civil discourse doesn't seem like vanity to me.

  3. Honestly, blog about whatever you want. I really don't read too many targeted blogs, I prefer the ones that are all over the place for the simple fact that you never know what you're gonna run in to when you click that link.

    And I just LOVE the video :D

  4. Thanks for the compliments, all. These apologetics that I write from time to time are probably more me talking to myself out loud than anything else. I had promised myself to be more disciplined, but I never follow through on it.

    No worries.
